A Letter from

our pastor


Dear Church Family,

I know you are as excited as I am about what God is doing in our church. Every Sunday we witness God moving in our midst.  New members each Sunday, baptisms and lives being changed to the glory of God. We have seen some very incredible changes in our church over the last few years.  With your help we have transformed our church into a place where we can all worship, learn and serve.  It is our desire that everything we have done makes it easier to invite your family and friends to come join us. Winning more souls for Jesus is and will always be our ultimate goal.

To get where we are now required much hard work and commitment from you and many others.  Most of you have friends and family who have been part of this church for decades.  Their dedication and sacrifice helped lay the foundation for what we get to experience today.  We owe it to them and to the future generations to do our part and continue their work.

This process began in 2017 with a campaign called “Imagine the Possibilities”.  Through that three-year campaign we began the journey to improve our campus.  The next three years were labeled “Beyond Us”, which helped complete the construction phase and move forward in ministry.  Now we are embarking on another three-year campaign which we call “Beyond Us 2.0”.


The next three years is a very important stage, which will allow us to pay down debt.  We know there is a great need for Church on Main to shine forth into this community, teaching God’s Word and sharing love and fellowship with our community.  There is still a lot to be done! 

Over the next few months you will hear of ways you can get involved and secure that this church will be here for our children and grandchildren for years to come.  If you have participated in past campaigns, I want to personally say thank you!  We need you to continue to lead with your continued support.  If you are new to our church, we invite you to partner with us and become more involved.  Please prayerfully consider what you can do to help us continue the mission. 


Financial outlook

Total approximate cost of the project including prior debt, change orders, and furnishings was $15M; we owe just over $9.1M which means nearly $6M has already been paid through our first 2 capital campaigns (Imagine the Possibilities & Beyond Us) and designated giving.  All old/prior debt has now been paid off. 

Total borrowed $9.5M; $350K bridge loan. 

Key Change Orders:  Some of the significant changes were to fully replace the HVAC system in our B Building, site work needed to ensure structural integrity of the newly constructed buildings, major structural and safety issues found around B building and worship center, asbestos abatement, corrected outdated plumbing and bringing our facility up to code (~$1M). 

Terms of the current loan has a payment per month of $51,281 through November 2025; a lump sum of $8.5M is due December 2025.  We would refinance the amount remaining into a new loan. 

Principal & Interest payments began November of 2021

Prior Campaign Results

Imagine the possibilities – pledged - $2.9M - received - $3.0M 

Beyond Us (2020) – pledged  - $1.3M - received - $2.2M 


  • We believe we should be good stewards of God's money. Signing a commitment card for the "Beyond Us" campaign will help Church on Main understand our collective potential giving and establish plans for the future.

  • We are asking each person to sacrificially give to the capital campaign for the next three-years.

  • Commitment means you and I are willing to believe God can provide through us what we cannot do alone. When we commit together collectively, we believe God will show up in a very powerful way.

  • First, we are asking you to give a sacrificial gift over and above your tithe for the next three years.

    Secondly, some may want to give some of their personal assets to the church for the "Beyond Us" campaign.

    Third, some people may have other forms of gifts they may want to give to the campaign, such as non-cash assets. There will be a team from our church that can help you in this area.

  • First and foremost, please PRAY regularly for our "Beyond Us" campaign.

    Secondly, participate in the events and meetings that are designed for each one of us during the campaign. Make a commitment to learn as much as you can about the campaign and the vision it will help us realize.

    And third, give sacrificially. The vision God has granted us can only be achieved through faith and sacrifice.

  • Are you enthusiastic about giving to this vision, but not sure where to start? Here are some creative ways to help allocate or free up resources so you can be a part of Beyond Us:


    Are there things in your life you can take advantage of less frequently? We are not asking everyone to give an equal gift as we all have different resource capabilities. We, however, are asking everyone to make an equal sacrifice. Live below your means so you can be more generous. This is sacrificial living for sacrificial giving.


    Are there plans you might be making that involve a financial commitment? If so, prayerfully ask God about delaying those plans and using the extra income to contribute.

    Do More

    Often, there are creative ways to save money. Maybe it’s been a while since you requested a quote for an existing service (e.g., cell phone and cable service). Perhaps you could do some extra comparison or bargain shopping to save funds. For your kids, it could be as easy as saving extra change to give.


    A great way to contribute is to give existing assets. Please contact the church office for more guidance before committing an asset gift in order to determine its viability for liquidation.


PAY OFF OR Pay down the debt by enough to be able to fit
the remaining payment within the budget when we refinance the loan. 


Commitment Cards can be found throughout campus. Collection boxes to return Commitment Cards are at each of our main entrances (bring to receptionist in East Lobby during the week). Commitment Sunday is May 7th. More details about Commitment Sunday will be shared this week in both services. You may also make a commitment online.